The 4 Dimensions of Leadership

"Credentials Will Get You in the Door, But Character is What Keeps You in the Room."


I want you to analyze the roles you fulfill in life personally and professionally and ask yourself

"Am I leading by credentials or character?"

What does this look like?

 Credentials mean that you...

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America, What is Really Going On?

 In 2019, I found myself sitting at the table with leaders who were responsible for making decisions that drove the mission forward and in the right direction. As the youngest and most junior officer in the room, it was...

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Stop Living Your Life on Repeat...Start Moving Forward With Confidence

  This idea prompted me to realize that what we focus on will grow...good or bad. The problem today is that we are marketed to and sold "quick fixes" and "so-called solutions" to life's problems. 

The truth is...

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One of the things that hold people back from reaching their potential and the pursuit of opportunity is their past. Oftentimes, it's the lack of awareness that creeps up in critical times when we need to perform at our best. 

So how do we prevent this from happening so that we are able to...

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You Will Be Judged

Never allow the fear of what others might say or think to prevent you from pursuing your purpose or potential. The truth is that you will be judged. 

Understand that judgment comes from ignorance. Ignorance is from a lack of knowledge and information. Understanding this allows you to remove...

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Tired of Procrastinating? ⏰

One of the biggest problems I hear when speaking to audiences is how to manage time...

Here's the deal 

Time is the great equalizer. This means that you cannot manage can't control it. It is not finite. 

So here is how you get ahead when it comes to time management.


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Don't Be a Shark in a Tank

There was a study conducted that revealed a shark will only grow to the size of its environment. For example, If you put it in a 10-gallon tank, it cannot and will not grow bigger than the 10-gallon tank. If you take it and put it in a 20-gallon tank, it will grow no bigger than the tank itself....

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Don't Force Something That Isn't Meant For You

How do you know when something is/isn’t for you?


The fear of failure is something that we all struggle with. Failure is often a feeling that isn’t based on facts. Failure is something often something that we believe is a perception that others have of us when we don’t...

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